One year ago, the first Sunday of September, we visited Westminster Presbyterian Church for the very first time. We liked it so well, we went every Sunday after that! We became "full fledged Presbyterians" last November when we joined the church after attending a 12 week membership class and meeting with the pastor and elders.
Looking back, we are very thankful for God's leading us there. We have learned so much, grown so much and have come to love and appreciate the ministry and the people. We have been stretched, challenged, and inspired to study and examine and even question things that we had always thought... like baptism, covenant theology, Calvinism, eschatology and creation.
Being Presbyterian was different for us, but we are becoming more and more Presbyterian in many ways! I can almost say the Apostle's Creed from memory! I still have to hold my hymnal open to the front cover, but one week soon I'll be able to say it without peeking! Mark and the kids were much quicker at memorizing it than I am! After all, its been a year!!! I figure that I have too many other things in my brain so adding more is harder for me!
And the hymns are gradually becoming more familiar. Presbyterians sing different hymns than other churches, believe it or not! Mark is involved in the Matins Choir, Ivy is in Junior choir, Joel will be singing specials. And Jaden loves singing in Sunday School!
I am looking forward to a new year of Women's Bible study starting this week. We'll be going through the book of Dueteronomy. Joel is excited about being in the Junior High youth group and Ivy will have another year in GEMS club for girls. Mark and I also enjoy our home fellowship group which will be meeting again twice a month.
We no longer feel "new" to the church. We have become very connected and yes, even transformed (or rather reformed) in many ways as we have become Presbyterians!
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
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