
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

kids say the funniest things

We've been praying for Mark's Nana who recently had eye surgery. Our two year old Jaden loves to pray. But sometimes he gets the details wrong... when he prayed for his Nannie last week he got confused about which body part to pray for and he said, "Dear God please help Nannie's mouth!"

Jaden always makes us laugh!

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