Snow came yesterday, covering everything with a beautiful white frosting. So plans were changed and rearranged as usually happens in this kind of weather!
After bundling Jaden up, I took him outside and he watched me make a snowman! It was a lot of work rolling those snowballs all around the yard while bent over. Great exercise! But Jaden was very happy and I think the snowman turned out very well! I wanted to put some birdseed on the snowman's head for the birds to enjoy like we read about it our library book called Stranger in the Woods, a photographic fantasy by Carl R. Sams II and Jean Stoik. A wonderful book to read on a snowy day!

However, our snowman didn't last long.... Ivy and her neighborhood friends decided the snowman was too small so they got rid of ours and attempted to make a bigger one! Imagine my surprise when later I looked out the window and our snowman was gone! The new snowman is in a different location and they left it unfinished - did I say that making a snowman is a lot of work?! Especially a BIG snowman. So they gave up.
Ivy noticed that this squirrel was new to our feeder! How would she know that??!! She explained to me that this was a skinny squirrel and all the regulars here are quite fat!
The kids really enjoyed the snow... especially being able to play outside in the snow after dark with all the neighborhood kids! Joel doesn't think there is anything better than playing football in the snow in the dark!
The only bad thing about the snow yesterday is that we couldn't go to the "Comfy Cozy Christmas Cast Party" last night for the cast of "Miracle of Christmas". It was going to be a fun pajama party breakfast dinner with lots of goofiness - how could it not be crazy with all those actors?! But the roads were slippy last night with ice as well as snow and we didn't want to risk the 45 minute travel on winding countries roads down to Quarryville where the party was going to be.
So to make up for that sad disappointment, we had our own pajama party here!!!! I made breakfast for supper - omelets and a ham and cheese quiche! We all got our jammies on and played games and had a silly time together. We set up the card table by the Christmas tree, put on some Christmas music and played Scrabble Upwords. It was a hilarious time. We all laughed very hard at very silly things. I won, by the way! Yes, I love that game!
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