Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!
The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

I was the only one without a stringed instrument tonight, but that's OK because I had the camera! Now if only I could figure out if and how I could put a video on here! I wish you could have heard this - it was a little bit of southern gospel with some rock-n-roll mixed in!
I love our family!
1 comment:
I finally had to poen a youtube (and set it to private). It downloaded what I needed in less than 10 min. when the blogger thing would run for 20, freeze up and I'd go through the steps again trying to get it to work. I heard of another one, but I'll have to get back with you on that because I forgot what it was.
How fun! I see my friend is one of your followers too:)
Blessings:) Amanda
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