Saturday was a day of final preparations for the holiday, shopping, meal preparation and a favorite activity for our kids - coloring the eggs! Jaden thoroughly enjoyed this. Somehow I was the one who had the most stained fingers!
Sunday morning was absolutely beautiful. We all went to church for the early service since Mark was singing in the combined choirs for both services. During the second service, I had to serve in the two year old nursery. I love serving in there, however I was sad that I would have to miss Mark's solo - he was singing his song in the 11:00 service only. I didn't mention this to anyone. But God allowed a wonderful blessing to me through a sweet older woman. She came to the nursery where I was and asked if she could replace me while I went to listen to Mark sing his solo! What a sweet, thoughtful thing she did for me! And we barely know each other and I still have no idea how she knew I was in the nursery and would love to hear Mark sing! So just in time, I was able to slip into the back of the sanctuary and hear Mark sing his song. He sang it beautifully - "Love Crucified, Arose," an old favorite song by Michael Card.

"Father of Glory, we continue praising you for raising your Son from the dead. This miracle was all your doing! Now we seek the life-giving consequences of his new life in ourselves. Establish our assurance that the blood of Christ cleanses us completely. Fortify our hope in time of death, of a resurrection body one day.
Grant us, O God, faith to live upon the wealth of our eternal fortune, not the crumbs of temporary possessions. Banish fears and discouragement that overtake us even in the midst of worship. Renew our hope in Christ's next great appearing: Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen."
1 comment:
He is Risen indeed! Beautiful family pics! I tagged you for 8 things-see my blog for the details:)
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