It is COLD here! Really, really, really cold. This feels like Siberia, or Minnesota, or way up in the boonies of NY where Mark's family lives. Normal for THEM to have temps in the single digits or below....but for us, it is way too cold! We aren't used to it! We don't like it one bit! OK, got that off my chest!
The straw that broke the camel's back was when we woke up this morning to FROZEN PIPES!!! What in the world?! I thought that only happened in back woods type places, hunting cabins, remote well-water places....not in a neighborhood with public water! Not in my house!!!!!!!
Growing up in Virginia, this was absolutely unheard of. Plus we were always fortunate to have electric heat. So here is Reason #562 that I really, really, really like electric heat! No oil pipes to freeze to make the house cold enough to freeze the water pipes!!! That's exactly what happened - the oil froze in the pipes and made that end of the house freezing cold which froze the water pipes.
I am thankful for our woodstove! In our family room, the temperature is close to 80 degrees with the fire going. The other end of the house by the kids' rooms is 56 degrees!!!!!! When we woke up this morning, Jaden and Ivy were still sleeping in their beds, buried under blankets and unaware of how cold it was in their rooms! I am SOOO thankful that I thought to give them extra blankets last night or they may have had frostbite!
Mark used my hair dryer up in the attic to thaw out the water pipes. Now he's off to get a heat additive to put in the oil to keep it from freezing.
So it has been quite a morning already! I am thankful that so far, there is no apparant damage. I'm thankful that we are warm and cozy by the fire. I'm thankful that Mark knows what to do to fix this! And I'm thankful that the temps should be warming up soon!
Weekend A La Carte (March 8)
[image: A La Carte Collection cover image]A La Carte: The maturation of New
Calvinism / The class divide over screen time / New from the Gettys /
Getting o...
21 hours ago
We are not used to the cold either! Our laundry room is separate from the rest of the house. Our water pipes going to the washing machine froze!! NOT FUN!!! I thought this kind of thing only happened up north.
Sorry to hear your pipes froze...I know that had to really be frustrating for you all. It is finally getting "warmer" up here in "the boonies" of NY - it's 34 degrees in the sun...but actual air temp is still around 20. We have snow everywhere - and that is really unusual for us this time of year. We usually get snow, it melts, and then we get more and it melts. Not this winter. It's come and stayed. Very pretty.
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