
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our day at the Franklin Institute

We spent the day on Saturday at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Joel managed to get off work that day - we promised to take him to celebrate his 13th birthday. It was such a fun place!!! A really great place for a field trip. Mark and I had never been there before and now we know why the kids really wanted to go! It is all hand-on, interactive exhibits. Lots of really neat things to discover and do. Joel particularly liked the Sports Room and Newton's Loft. Ivy enjoyed the Physics room and Jaden loved the Train room. Jaden also loved the room for pre-schoolers - especially the water tank that he could float boats in. He managed to get absolutely soaked! I tried to dry his shirt with one of those hand dryers but it didn't work so well!

Here is Jaden crawling through an artery.

Joel really liked the ball cage where he could test his speed with different types of balls. Notice his new London Fletcher jersey he got for his birthday from Grandma! He was very happy to wear his Redskins jersey in Philly!!!

Ivy had fun surfing on a "wave" in the Sports room.

Mark did the wheelchair race!

Soon the Narnia exhibit will open and we can't wait to go back and see that! We got a little bit of a preview - here is one of the statues from the movie!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

There is going to be a Narnia exhibit opening here soon at a children's museum. I can't wait!! Looks like you guys had a great day.