
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My 200 year old friend

While preparing to teach third grade classes about the Oregon Trail, I kept coming across brief references to Marcus and Narcissa Whitman, who were among the very first to take the trail west in order to build a mission and spread the gospel to the Cayuse tribe in Oregon territory. I had heard of these missionaries before, but the details were sketchy in my mind and I felt compelled to find out more about them - particularly Narcissa. I wanted to know this courageous woman who set out on the perilous journey that no other white woman had ever taken before.

As I researched her story and read her many letters, I was overwhelmed with emotion! There are so many sad parts to her story, yet I can see God's tender hand of grace working through all the events that happened in her life. And even now, so many years after she has gone on to heaven, we can read her letters and be inspired by the life she lived. I feel like I have met a new friend, although she lived 200 years ago! But I like to think of her as a kindred spirit and I really do look forward to meeting her in heaven someday! I think we will be friends.

She was born the oldest daughter in a large Presbyterian family and enjoyed a good upbringing. At age 11, she gave her heart to Jesus and at age 16 she first felt committed to give her life to missions work. She trained to be a teacher and taught Kindergarten for a while. She accepted the young Dr. Marcus Whitman's proposal to marriage, although she didn't know him very well. But they both had the same love for the Lord and the same calling to reach the Indians. The very next day after they were married, Narcissa said sad good-byes to her family and began her journey west on what would become known as the Oregon Trail. They traveled with the Spaldings, another couple who were going as missionaries to the native tribes. Narcissa Whitman and Eliza Spalding were the first white women to go west to Oregon. Because they were able to make the trip, many other families soon followed the trail west.

It was a difficult 2,000 mile trip but they arrived safe and sound among the Cayuse tribe who gave them land to build a mission along the Walla Walla River. Their friends, the Spaldings traveled north to work among the Nez Perce tribe. It was a very busy time for them, building a home and mission, making friends with the native people and preparing for the birth of their first and only child, Alice Clarissa who was born on Narcissa's birthday just a few months after their arrival.

Alice was the joy of Narcissa's life. I could tell from her letters that Narcissa was a very loving and devoted mother to Alice who stayed by her side always. Alice slept with her mother every night as a baby and toddler and the two were very attached. As a two year old, little Alice was very advanced for her age, often singing hymns and reciting prayers and proclaiming her love for Jesus.

Because they lived so close to the Walla Walla River, Narcissa and Marcus often instructed Alice to never, never go by the river. They were terrified that Alice would wander close to it's banks and made sure that she never did. One day, after watching several of the native mothers and children down by the river, Alice ventured down to it's banks. Narcissa was horrified and immediately snatched Alice away and sternly gave her another lecture to never do that again! Little Alice was very repentent and seemed to understand the dangers so no further discipline was administered.

But apparantly, the temptation was too great. On a busy Sunday afternoon, while Narcissa was in the kitchen, Alice slipped out and took 2 cups down to the river to fill. She was asked to put water in the cups. Alice decided she would instead get the water from the river as she had observed the Indian mothers and children doing. A short time later, two cups were found floating in the river and Alice had drowned. She was 2 years old.

It is hard to even imagine the grief of losing a child. I read the letters she wrote her mother about that awful day. So heart-breaking. After a time of deep depression and darkness, God enabled Narcissa to open her heart to other children who needed a home. Since they were located near the end of the trail, there were several orphaned children who ended up at the Whitman's mission in need of parents. Narcissa became a mother to many such children, as well as the children of Indians and fur traders.

Marcus was busy trying to evangelize the Cayuse people as well as taking care of their medical needs. Narcissa gave herself to caring for the children and also teaching classes for the women and children to teach them to read. They lived exhausted busy years giving themselves fully to the mission that God had given them. But they saw little fruit for their hard work. There were so many cultural clashes and misunderstandings between the missionaries and the Indians. It was hard to connect.

And then the measles outbreak came. The measles spread among those at the mission as well as the Cayuse tribe. Dr. Marcus was very busy tending the sick and administering medicine. Unexplainable was the fact that the white children who took the medicine got better, but the Indians were dying - even with the medicine. They didn't have the immunity to the Measles, having never been exposed to it before. Up to half of the tribe died! The Cayuse didn't understand why it was just the Indians who were dying. Mistrust grew in their hearts and then anger and bitterness. They began to think that perhaps the Whitmans were poisoning them!

In their culture, if a medicine man could not heal and a sick person died, that death would have to be avenged. The medicine man must die as well.

It was decided that the Whitmans and all adults at the mission should be killed. What followed was a horrible massacre. Marcus and Narcissa were killed along with several others, including some teenage children in their care. The other children were taken as hostages and some died during that time before they could be found and rescued.

How could God allow that to happen? He is sovereign and His ways are not our ways. After the killings, the Cayuse tribe was dispersed. But the Nez Perce tribe the Spaldings ministered to experienced a spiritual awakening and many became Christians. And as the news of this spread, all of Narcissa's letters eventually would become published and have inspired many to go into Christian ministry. Their legacy lives on.

Sadly, they are often mischaracterized in the retelling of their story. Secular historians love to insinuate that they had no business trying to evangelize the Indians - they should have left them alone. Sometimes if they are mentioned at all in the history books, it is only a brief note about Narcissa and Mrs. Spalding being the first white women on the trail.

Reading about the Whitmans and mostly reading Narcissa's letters have taught me so much about self-sacrifice and service and faith and suffering. Their story is one that I want to share with my children and hopefully they will be remembered for many, many years to come. To read her letters go to http://www.1st-hand-history.org/Whitman/letters.htm

To read Narcissa's journal about her trip west on the Oregon Trail and an account of the massacre, go to http://www.corvalliscommunitypages.com/Americas/US/Oregon/OregonNotCorvallis/whitmansall.htm

Monday, February 23, 2009

God's Help at Break of Day

It's Monday morning and we are home, still dealing with the sick bugs. We can't go to our Homeschool Group classes this morning since there are still fevers and coughing. But we will try to get caught up with our school work here.

As others can probably attest, it is hard to start on weeks like this! But we must press on, be dilligent, do our best.... even when we aren't feeling our best.

I found this verse this morning in Psalm 46
verse 5 says:

"God is within her, she will not fall,
God will help her at break of day."

This morning, I'm asking for God's help as we begin the week. How thankful I am for His strength each day!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mortal ills prevailing

Cancelled piano lessons, got a substitute teacher for my class this afternoon, sent Mark out to take Ivy to her classes and pick up more things from the store... what a day. Sometimes the sick germs win and we have to surrender to those mortall ills that prevail.

However, this will pass. I'm so thankful for the blessings of home, warmth, oranges, soft tissues, videos for Jaden, and a caring husband. There is always a rim of joy surrounding the clouds.

Like last night, when Victoria Rose was being buried in the backyard, in the rain, and we were weeping.... we could hear the church bells ringing the song, "Jesus What a Friend" at that very time. Like music for a funeral.

I hope whatever you are facing today, there are reminders of God's love for you. Look for joy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Goodbye Victoria Rose

Today is a very sad day. In a couple hours, I will be taking my mom and her cat, Victoria Rose to the vet so that Victoria can be put to sleep. Victoria is my mom's best friend and has been with her since 1992. Sadly, age, kidney failure and a thyroid condition have caused Victoria pain and suffering. My mom is broken hearted but takes comfort that she will see Victoria Rose again one day!

Psalm 36:6 "...O LORD, you preserve both man and beast."

And for those who have loved a pet who has died, I found a great website explaining why all pets go to heaven.

Victoria Rose is the black cat on the right.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Earth's Crammed With Heaven

Earth's crammed with heaven
And every common bush afire with God.
But only those who see take off their shoes.
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Monday, February 16, 2009

A great gift from a mother to her child

Today at the Prayer and Share time at our Homeschool Group, one of the moms told us about this wonderful idea for a gift to pass on to our children when they leave home someday. She has a friend that has bought a nice wide-margin, note-takers leather Bible for each of her children - one that will last forever. In each child's Bible, she high-lights verses for him or her, writes notes in the margins, writes out prayers for her child - writing in it through the years. Then when each child grows up and leaves the nest, goes off to college, she can present them with their Bible!! Full of notes, high-lighted verses, prayers and love from their mom over the years. This can be started for a child at any age, whether in the teen years or for a new baby! Isn't that a really terrific idea?!!

Home and School

I like that our family is all home tonight under one roof. Joel had a great time on the Youth Breakaway Retreat, but I was happy to see him get off the bus last night at 9:30. I like it so much better when all our offspring are in the nest! He came home with lots of great memories, but no voice! He was totally exhausted today so I gave him the day off of school! Besides, it's Presidents Day anyway! Ivy and I went to Homeschool group for classes while he rested at home with Jaden who has a cold.

Tomorrow is a special day of remembrance for our family.... 14 years ago, Mark and I found out we were going to be parents!!! It was such a wonderful happy day of rejoicing! We have since that day taken a picture of our family each year on that day and it's been neat to see those pictures over the years. Maybe I'll post those on here sometime when I get a chance!

Also, tomorrow, it's back to the books as we begin week 22 in Year 1 TOG. We'll be studying the Chaldeans (New Babylonians) and the Babylonian Captivity. Sad tales in the history of Israel. It's been really interesting studying through the Old Testament again this year. I've read through the Bible with our children before, but Tapestry of Grace helps us to really dig deeper and that has been fascinating!! Some weeks are very busy and we sometimes have to just skim the surface, but other weeks we can go more in depth. And I always remind myself that we'll be studying this again in 4 years so it's OK to miss some things this time around!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

"The Skunk" by Joel

Joel had to write a poem about an animal for tomorrow's Literature Class. Here is what he wrote:

The Skunk
By Joel

Your coat, most so, is black as night,
With fearful stripe of white so bright,
You have no need to run or fight,
For men will run for stink or sight.

Your frightful smell,
No soap can repel,
Tomato juice lone,
Can to this stink rebel,

Do the bugs you eat
Make your form smell and reek?
Can man or beast stand
When the stink reaches peak?

You’re sometimes bred as pets,
Otherwise known as pests,
Your odor at best,
Puts a sense to the test.

You’ll never be eaten,
Or in fight be beaten,
Above all the rest,
With sin’s curse, you’ve been blessed.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I love Valentines Day! It is a wonderful day to be nostalgic, romantic and appreciate the ones we love. I know, every day is a day to love our families and friends and some people don't see a need to have a special day set apart for that. But I like special days! How boring if every day were the same. And a day dedicated to love is wonderful!!!

My mom and my daughter and I went out for lunch today - a special time for us girls! We went to a little tea shop in downtown Lancater on Mulberry Street called Pemberley Tea Shop. It is a beautiful, quaint, Victorian shop all decorated with mix and match pieces of furniture, chairs, china dishes, lace, linnens, and of course tea cups! I had strawberry cream tea and a tea cup of chili and a sandwich. And we all enjoyed wonderful deserts! It was such a calm and relaxing place and we three generations of girls enjoyed it very much!

Mark stayed home with Jaden and did a labor of love for me - he got our master bathroom all primed and ready for the wall paper. Soon we will have a beautiful master bath! I can't wait!

Joel is away on the youth retreat all weekend - and I miss him. It doesn't seem right for one of our family to be gone on Valentines Day.

Tonight after supper, Mark and I are going out for coffee just the two of us. I'm looking forward to that as well!

So happy Valentines Day everyone! I am so thankful for the ones I love, so many precious family and friends. And most of all for the One who first loved us and who enables us to love each other!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Christ Lives in Me

The other night at youth group, Joel's youth pastor shared this video with the teens. They talked about how Christ lives in us. I thought it was a great video and it even made me teary eyed, and Joel said, "Yep. I thought you would have that reaction!" Joel, with his 13 year old eyes, just thought it was funny. But when you really think about it, it is wonderful and I can imagine my heart singing the Hallelujah Chorus too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring Fever

What a beautiful day it is here in Lancaster County, PA! A nice sunny and "warm" 63 degrees! Jaden enjoyed riding his tricycle and then Ivy and I took him around the block. Ivy also got to spend some time in her "tree house" today. Joel's been heading to the tennis courts practicing his swing. We love February days like this!

I'm thankful for our quiet block with no traffic! Perfect for a preschooler on wheels!

Ivy enjoyed showing Jaden her private tree house in the backyard. I went in there, but it is pretty much adult-proof! Not so easy crawling in!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentines Dinner at church

Saturday night, Mark and I went to the "Homebuilders" Valentines Dinner at church. We don't really fit into the category of "Homebuilders" since we were established back in 1991, but since we still have a young child we can still sneak in the group!! I think we were the couple married the longest after our speaker, Dr. Light and his wife, and one of the only couples there who have a teenager in the house.

We had a really nice time - the gym was all decorated and there were some really hilarious games.... cake smashing, dressing men as brides with toilet paper, etc. Wedding pictures were shown continously on the big screen and it was fun to identify couples with their pictures.

Dr. Light gave a short inspirational talk on marriage and he encouraged us to do things for our spouses that would make them fall over in shock! Things that we know they would like, but we don't take the time to do it or we don't bother to do it often.

Mark must have really taken that advice to heart! I was totally shocked the next evening when he scooped out the cats' litter boxes! Mark does a lot of wonderful things for me each day - he always graciously helps around the house with dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc. But the litter boxes!!! Wow!!!! I really appreciated that!

So I just want to encourage you to surprise your spouse and do something totally unexpected just to put a big smile on his/her face. And it is contagious!

To see pictures of our Valentine dinner, go to our church's website (the link is down on the right side of this page) and click on "ministries" and then "adult classes" and then "Homebuilders" and "Valentine Dinner" There is a picture of us at the "Love Shack" table!

Ivy's "tree house"

Ivy loves to spend lots of time outside in the backyard underneath a tree in which she and a neighbor friend of hers have created an imaginary house! She has things all set up and arranged under there... divided into different little rooms. There are dishes, shelves, a plastic container for a sink and a box. The floor is covered with pine needles to protect against any mud or dampness. Once a bunny came into the "house" to visit! It was only about two feet away from Ivy and they enjoyed a few minutes together.

This is a wonderful place for Ivy to dream, play and pretend. She is currently writing a story that tells the adventures of things she and her friend imagine happening in the house.

Jaden's haircut

Jaden's hair was getting really, really long. But he was terrified of getting his hair cut.... although he's had several hair cuts in his life. Whenever we tried to have him sit for a haircut, he would scream and shake his head and it was absolutely impossible to even attempt it. Until...last night! I think his hair was so long that was even starting to bother him! After much explaining that it would not hurt and letting him sit in front of the TV watching a favorite video, he finally caved in and let Mark give him a much needed hair cut!

We are all very happy about this and quite relieved! Here are some pictures of this great event!

All done! He looks so different now!

Hopefully next time he won't mind getting his hair cut quite so much!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Here's a poem Joel wrote today

by Joel, age 13

No one seems to hear them rustle
As we get caught up in our hustle;
Birds with them will twist and tussle
To make a nest within to snuggle.

Suirrels will pack them close for heat,
Then shoo them out to keep things neat;
In fall, their colors are tough to beat,
Although, to eat, they're not so sweet.

On the ground or in a tree,
Used as a hive by wasp or bee;
A hiding place for fly or flea,
What use for leaves is there for me?


I love poetry! I am an assistant in Joel's 7th and 8th grade Literature class at our homeschool group and I am loving that! Last week, his teacher read this great quote:

Poetry is like an imaginary garden with real toads.

Think about that!

Here is a poem I really like.

Swift Things are Beautiful
by Elizabeth Coatsworth

Swift things are beautiful:
Swallows and deer,
And lightning that falls
Bright-veined and clear,
Rivers and meteor,
Wind in the wheat,
The strong-withered horse,
The runner's sure feet.

And slow things are beautiful:
The closing of day,
The pause of the wave
That curves downward to spray,
The ember that crumbles,
The opening flower,
And the ox that moves on
In the quiet of power.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A sprinkle of snow

This morning we woke up to a very light sprinkle of snow on the driveway. The kind that you take a step in and it disappears immediately. Hardly even noticeable. Imagine my confusion when I heard the radio announcing all the school closings! Even the shopping centers were opening late!!! What in the world is going on, I wondered. So I called my husband Mark and asked and he said that just a few miles from us, there was up to a foot of snow!!!! I'm talking like the next town!!!! And it's not like we live in the mountains where it can snow on one side and not the other! Really, really, really strange. So anyway, several of my friends were shoveling and sledding today in a foot of snow and I could look out my window at grass.

No complaints though - I am so ready for spring!!! >

Monday, February 2, 2009

Birthday cards for Brian

This Saturday, February 7, is my cousin Brian's 23rd birthday. Please send him a card! Maybe write a Bible verse or a short note of encouragement. It would be great if he could get a lot of cards over the next week! Just tell him you heard of him from me!

His address is:
Brian Lamb
Dallas County Detention Center
204 Poplar
Buffalo, MO 65622

If you want info on Brian's situation, click on "Pray for Brian" label to read my previous posts.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

Teaching third graders

Today began a new semester at the homeschool group that meets at our church. I'm teaching the third graders about the Pioneers on the Oregon Trail - the same subject I'm teaching at our other homeschool group. I prepared for the class today and was thinking I would have it pretty easy with only 9 students in there..... but I knew it would be a bit more challenging than I anticipated when I walked in the classroom and saw the children sitting on the tables! A class full of rowdy boys! And truthfully, I love teaching energetic kids - but I was worn out by the end. My class that I teach on Thursday afternoons is very easy - lots of girls who just love coloring their papers and learning as much as they can! This Monday morning class will make me work a bit harder! I felt like I had actually walked the Oregon Trail myself by the time I was done with the class today!

Joel is taking a Logic class and English Literature. Ivy is taking Art History and Writing. They are both in gym classes - basketball right now. They loved their classes today and were very happy to be back with several of their friends.

We came home at lunch and I took a nap! I told my kids they had off school for the rest of the afternoon - and they didn't mind that a bit! They were tired from their classes too! Joel is still recovering from last night's Super Bowl Party. He came home hoarse and with a bruised eye! Played some basketball in the gym and had an accident with the wall and the ball. He's still talking about what a great game that was last night! (Even though he hoped the Cardinals would win.)

Tomorrow, we'll catch up with our Tapestry of Grace and all the rest of our schooling. We have to finish week 19 and begin week 20 this week!