
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ivy's "tree house"

Ivy loves to spend lots of time outside in the backyard underneath a tree in which she and a neighbor friend of hers have created an imaginary house! She has things all set up and arranged under there... divided into different little rooms. There are dishes, shelves, a plastic container for a sink and a box. The floor is covered with pine needles to protect against any mud or dampness. Once a bunny came into the "house" to visit! It was only about two feet away from Ivy and they enjoyed a few minutes together.

This is a wonderful place for Ivy to dream, play and pretend. She is currently writing a story that tells the adventures of things she and her friend imagine happening in the house.

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