
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thankful for sleep!

Last night, I slept all night!!!!! It was wonderful and I feel so much better this morning! Jaden has been sick with a bad cough and Weds. night, he woke up at 3 AM coughing and coughing. He did not go back to sleep until the following afternoon! What made it worse is that I was up until midnight the night before completing necessary tasks. So I only slept from 12:15 until 3 AM. I was a total zombie yesterday morning!

I had to call Ivy's piano teacher and say we couldn't come. Mark had to get off work at noon so that he could have Jaden and drive me to Homeschool group where I had to teach my Kindergarten class. I was too exhausted and sleep-deprived to even drive!! Somehow I was able to teach the class without collapsing.

For the past several weeks, I've only been getting 5 or 6 hours of sleep per night at the most since my work keeps me up until midnight most of the nights. So I couldn't afford a night with less than 3 hours! That's why I was so wiped out.

But thankfully, last night, Jaden slept all night and so did I! I even went to bed earlier - around 10 so I got a really good 7 hours of sleep!!! I have come back into the land of the living!

And maybe this weekend, I'll get an extra hour of sleep too!

Monday, October 27, 2008

New glasses for Ivy

Doesn't Ivy look beautiful in her new glasses? I love the frames that she picked out. Joel and I felt a bit jealous at the eye glasses store! Ivy has been wearing glasses ever since she can remember - since she was two years old and can't imagine not wearing them.

We were over-charged $50 and it took several phone calls to get that straightened out, but thankfully the problem was corrected. My uncle is an optician in VA but that is a bit too far to go for glasses unfortunately!

Unit One Completed!

I was so excited on Friday - we finished our very first unit in Tapestry of Grace! We all learned so much over the last nine weeks! We spent a lot of time reviewing our unit on the Books of Moses and talked about all that we had learned. Ivy comopleted her lapbook which was a great way to review. Joel took his unit test and did well too. We didn't do a Unit Celebration per se, but we proudly showed some things to Dad and Grandma. Maybe we'll do a celebration after our next unit.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon taking out the pages of their notebooks from the last unit and printing off all the pages of Unit 2 and putting that in their notebooks. Also printed out all the maps and evaluations and put them in. So we are ready to go today! We have a wonderful library so all our books are in and available to us also.

I am so happy with Tapestry of Grace! What a blessing it has been for our homeschool.

Future City Engineering

What a busy week it was last week! Joel is in a Future City Engineering class preparing for the regional competition in Philadelphia. He's been busy making the parts of his model and reading through information for his research paper. I've been helping him with finding sources - I LOVE research, however it has been very time-consuming and much of it is way over our heads!!! To understand what this is all about, click on the title of this post and it will take you to the future city engineering website!

His paper has to describe a self-sufficient, contained living space that conserves, recycles and reuses it's own water with minimal or no use of municipal water and no water discharge. The idea is to not bring any water in, no water out - just to continually reuse the same water. The technologies of today can solve some of the issues, but not all. He has to delve into the technology that is on the horizon in the future. We have been researching self-sustainable homes that are "outside the grid" however, there is not a lot of detail on the water systems. Obviously, there has to be rain catchment and compost toilets and reuse of "gray water". Thankfully his city is located in Hawaii where there is substantial rain fall. This has been an interesting topic to research!

When he signed up for this class, I had no idea what he (and all of us) were getting into! It is very, very highly centered on technology and math and science. Not our strong points! Joel is being very, very stretched! He's an excellent writer, artist and very creative person - not so into math and science!

But maybe this is changing him a little bit..... for his birthday this year, he wants to go to the Franklin Institue in Philly.... a Science museum of all places!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

19 Days and Counting!

Soon we will be the parents of a teenager! Joel is counting down the days. I remember his early days of sweet babyhood and thinking that the teen years were so far, far off in the distant future. But how quickly the time has gone! He is as tall as me now and wearing 30 inch waist jeans and his voice is even starting to squeak now and then!

Can you believe we are even starting to "look" at colleges? Researching them, thinking about which one would be a good fit for him. I know, we have almost 6 more years... he's only in 7th grade! But because I'm the one responsible for his education, I need to be planning ahead. I want him to have the best prepration possible for those college years so the planning needs to start now.

I always thought he would live at home and go to local Millersville University - commute to classes every day. And if not M.U., we have several other local colleges - Franklin & Marshall College, Elizabethtown College, not to mention the community college. We are literally surrounded by institutions of higher education in this county!

However, after reading a little article written by our pastor in the current church newsletter, my thinking on where he would go to college has been challenged. I've always homeschooled our children because I definitely did not want them to go to a government (public) school. Yet, I thought any college would be just fine?!! Sadly our culture is moving further and further away from the truth and becoming increasingly opposed to our faith.

Our pastor has recommended 7 Christian liberal arts colleges and has encouraged parents, like us, to consider sending our children to a Christian university where the truth of Scripture and the inerrancy of the Word is interwoven in all facets of learning. Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia is highly recommended because of it's solidly Biblical focus as well as it's excellent academics. It is under the PCA denomination which our church is part of. Two other reformed churches closer to home are Grove City College and Geneva College, both in western PA. Other colleges he recommends are Gordon College, Taylor University, Cedarville University and Wheaton College. If you want to read his article, click on the link for our church and then click on "calendar and events" and then "Communique" to read the newsletter.

Covenant College does sound like an excellent choice and we have been very impressed by everything we have researched about it. However, and this is a BIG however, it is 11 hours and 4 minutes away!!!!!!!! I'm so glad we have a few more years to think about this! And yes, Joel has a big say in this too. So far, he really likes the idea of going there - although his reasons are a bit more superficial, he loves the Georgia Bulldogs! And of course, I am very partial to the south and so is Mark - we always thought we would retire down in the Smoky Mountains someday. We even honeymooned there 17 years ago.

I'm so glad that God is our Shepherd, like my mom always has said. We are just His sheep. We'll follow where he leads us. And we need to pray for our children that God would direct them to wherever they should go.

Mom, I need an Egyptian costume TOMORROW!

First of all, I don't sew! I have a really nice sewing machine that my mom bought for me several years ago when I hoped to learn how to sew.... but never got around to learning. This urgent plea from my son last Tuesday made me get out that intimidating machine of mine and I tried my best to sew an Egyptian costume for him using a white sheet. Ivy had to help me - she's had lots of experience with her play sewing machine and she was a big help! After getting the machine threaded (which took over half an hour!), the rest was not too difficult, considering I was totally new at sewing!

Our church had a Family Fall Fest on Saturday for the elementary aged children and their families. Twelve countries were represented in the large gym at church with the youth group dressed in costumes from each of the countries. Children were to visit each of the countries and play a game or activity at each one. Joel represented the country of Egypt and that's why he needed a costume. However, it was needed several days early to be approved first by the youth staff - so I had really short notice! But I think it turned out fine. Here he is with Jaden and you can tell Jaden was having a great time!

Joel didn't want his picture taken, but I really wanted to get a picture of this costume that I worked so hard to make!

Help for Spelling!!!

I found a really, really good site that provides help for learning spelling words! It is free - just type in your spelling list and you can choose to have those words taught, tested, or play games with them! I am very excited about using this with Ivy to provide a fun way to practice her spelling words. Check it out!

Spelling tests made easy

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our weekend in Havre de Grace

Mark and I had a wonderful, relaxing weekend in Havre de Grace, Maryland! My mom generously gave us two night's lodging at the cozy White House of Havre de Grace! And it wasn't even our anniversary. My mom just wanted to bless us with this and she knows how busy we've been and that we just needed some time away. She kept our children for the weekend at her house and they did some fun things too - like golfing and go karts! Mark and I had the whole guest house to ourselves. We loved this place, complete with a full kitchen, sitting area, beautiful bedroom and bath. Here are some pictures of the house. For more pictures or info. go to http://www.whitehouseofhavredegrace.com/. We highly recommend this cottage for a romantic getaway! It was perfect!

The house was just a block away from the water. Havre de Grace is a beautiful historic town right by the water's edge where the Susquehanna River meets the Chesapeake Bay. We could walk everywhere in town. We enjoyed many little unique shops and antique stores, but most of all we walked along the water on the Promenade, a boardwalk, where we could just relax and take in the beautiful scenery. We had gorgeous weather the whole weekend! It could not have been more perfect - temps in the low 80s and bright blue skies.

This is the oldest continually operated lighthouse in the U.S. We walked down to the lighthouse at night and saw the lights over the water. The Promenade is open until 11 PM so we even enjoyed an evening walk by the Bay last night.
We had such a wonderful time together and it truly was relaxing - just what we needed! No busy schedules, no interruptions, no hurry.
But we were very happy to see our children and be home again tonight.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The joy of shopping with a toddler

If you saw a woman running fast all over the entire Sears store today - without shoes on, just socks.... well, that was me! I was chasing Jaden who thought it was very, very funny. He is faster than me. Especially in the slippery places. Why no shoes? Well I just had socks on my feet because I had been busy trying on shoes when the little guy disappeared.

And yes, I did get some great pairs of shoes! One nice brown pair of shoes regularly $45 on clearance for 4.99 and another pair of black shoes greatly reduced to 9.99. I love bargains like that! I needed shoes badly because my black shoes hurt my feet so much in church that immediately after getting home on Sunday, I put them right into the trash can!

It was our second day in a row at Sears. Yesterday, we bought socks! I think we'll stay away from there for awhile.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More Grace, More Love

On Weds. nights at church, I'm in a women's Bible study called "Dueteronomy: More Grace, More Love: Living in Covenant with God" by George Robertson. Our study for tonight focuses on Deuteronomy 3:12-29. It was a good study for me and gave me much to think about. In the study guide, Robertson wrote:

"God dignifies us by giving us meaningful responsibility and holding us accountable for it.... Difficult responsibilities and the potential for failure must drive us to Christ for more grace. Difficult experiences must drive us to greater love for God."

I love my busy job of homeschooling our children and all the responsibilities that I have that keep me busy. Sometimes I do feel exhausted, but I firmly believe that it is His calling for me to do what I do.

This study reminded me that on difficult days, during times of tremendous, overwhelming responsibility, God is giving me this work to bring me to Him! He will supply the grace I need for each day, each week. And the difficult times drive me to a greater love for Him and for others.

My weeks are full to the brim and my responsibilities are great, and I am so thankful for His grace which is greater still!

Here is a "typical" week for me:

Monday: Go to Homeschool group at 8:45-12:00, Assist in the 5th Grade Archeology Class, participate in the Mom's Prayer & Share time, Assist in the 5 and 6 year olds Gym class,
Teach my 7th grader and 5th grader in the afternoon, Plan the homeschool week

Tuesday: a full day of homeschooling, Lesson plan for Thursday's Kindergarten class

Weds: a full day of homeschooling, Supper at church, Ivy to Junior Choir Practice and GEMS club, Women's Bible Study, Joel to Youth Group, Mark to choir practice, Jaden to nursery class

Thurs: Ivy to piano lesson, Read to and care for piano teacher's 3 young children, Go to Homeschool Group for the afternoon 12:30-3:40, Teach the Kindergarten class, Assist in nursery for 2 hours with Jaden.

Friday: a full day of homeschooling, Home Fellowship Group Bible study in evening

Too top it all off, caring for a very active two year old keeps me busy non-stop! That is a constant, on-going responsibility while I do everything else!!!!! And through-out the week there are errands to run, several trips to libraries (we almost live at the library!), doctor appointments, and soon I'll be chauffering Joel to and from the theatre almost every day during the rehearsal period and then 2-3 times a week during the show run. Also, our home is a hang-out for all the children in the neighborhood so there are always kids in our house and in the yard after school hours!

Do I have "leisure time"? Not usually. Every now and then around midnight, I may read a chapter of a book before I fall asleep. I rarely sit on the couch. I never watch TV. My days are full and scheduled and almost always hurried.... but life is good. And the responsibilities that He has given me have made me lean on Him daily. I know that I need His grace. And I know that it is a loving Heavenly Father who gives me the responsibilities that I have, even the difficulties!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blessings from above

God loves to lavish His children with blessings! I never cease to be amazed at the different ways that He faithfully provides with much more than we even need, more than we ever ask.

Here is one example of a way that He has blessed us recently. I really have wanted to buy a Latin curriculum for our children since I have read how important Latin is in learning vocabulary and grammar and how it is a great foundation for studying languages in high school. After buying Tapestry of Grace and Apologia science books and other books for this year, there was no way that we could afford to buy Latin books. I mentioned to Mark that although it was something I really wanted for our children, we would just have to wait. Well, guess what!!!! Just a few weeks after that conversation with Mark, another mom in our Monday morning Homeschool group sent out an email to everyone that she had several packages of Latin curriculum complete with textbooks, and student activity books - brand new, excellent condition and ALL FREE for the taking! A local classical Christian school had extra or didn't need them for some reason and gave them to her to give out to homeschooling families!!!! So I got books and activity workbooks for both Joel and Ivy for two years of Latin! For free! We haven't started yet, but I'm in the process of planning out the schedule and we'll begin soon. What a wonderful blessing that was!

And another blessing - today at our Monday morning homeschool group, one of the moms in my Prayer and Share group talked about how she and her kids measured out Noah's ark recently.... and I said "You must be using Tapestry of Grace!!!!!!!!" and yes, she is! And not only that, she has been for years, going through all 4 year plans and now is in Year 1 and the same week we are doing!!!!! Plus, she is an area consultant and loves to help newbies like me with any questions, etc. She is only the third person I know personally in this area who is using Tapestry of Grace so I was really happy to find this out! She is also Ivy's Archeology class teacher! How wonderful to have someone to bounce ideas off of and share TOG with!

And yet another blessing - this past weekend was a very large consignment sale that was held at a local Farm and Home Center. I was able to be a consigner and I took almost 100 clothing items on hangers to be sold! I'm not sure how much money I made, but should get a check in the mail soon. Anyway, I was able to buy everything I needed for Jaden for fall/winter all at fantastic prices - as well as several things for his birthday in December! I bought the big kids some clothing too but it was mostly smaller sizes there. What a blessing that was for me to get such a huge amount of clothing at such a discount. I love bargain shopping!

I hope this post today has encouraged you to look for blessings - sometimes they do come unexpectedly. God is good and He loves to surprise us. Count your blessings...name them one by one! And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!

Joel got a contract!

Joel will be back at the theatre, playing the roles of Judah's son, Nathan (inn keeper's son) and Gideon (shepherd boy) in the "Miracle of Christmas" show at Sight and Sound's Millennium Theatre. He is so excited! We were worried he would be too big to play the role, but they wanted him back again. This is the 7th show that he's been contracted for at Sight and Sound since he started back in 2003 at age 7.

I remember so well the first time we saw the "Miracle of Christmas" show back in 2000 when Joel was 5 years old. It was our first time at a show at Sight and Sound and we were amazed! Joel sat there totally transfixed and I remember telling Mark that Joel would be in that show someday!

Then just 2 years later, Joel auditioned at the theatre and got the role of Isaac for the "Abraham and Sarah" show and then "Ruth", "Miracle of Christmas", "Ruth" again, "Psalms of David" and most recently "Abraham and Sarah" again.

He was in "Miracle of Christmas" for the 2005 season which was the time that Jaden was born. I remember sitting there watching the show the day that Jaden was due to be born! So this show is extra special to us and I'm so glad he gets to be in it again.

Please come see the show! You will be so glad you did!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's been a whole week since I wrote on here! Yes, we've been very busy but also my heart has been too heavy to write. Last weekend, we became aware of a very sad situation involving a couple we know and it has been difficult for me to process it. I keep being reminded that there is nothing too broken for God to fix. Nothing is impossible with Him! He loves to heal and restore so I will pray for healing for them. Have you ever gone through a time when you are overwhelmed with the knowledge of the sin and problems in this world? This week has been a time like that for me. But thanks be to God who sits on the throne! I know that He is sovereign and He is still working.

I'm in a Bible study on Weds. nights and we are studying the book of Dueteronomy. What an excellent, encouraging study it has been. I encourage you to read through that book and look for all the evidences of God's grace! You will be surprised, I think. Sometimes people mistakenly think that grace is a New Testament concept. But His grace is throughout the Old Testament because our wonderful heavenly Father does not change. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. And what a great comfort that is!