God loves to lavish His children with blessings! I never cease to be amazed at the different ways that He faithfully provides with much more than we even need, more than we ever ask.
Here is one example of a way that He has blessed us recently. I really have wanted to buy a Latin curriculum for our children since I have read how important Latin is in learning vocabulary and grammar and how it is a great foundation for studying languages in high school. After buying Tapestry of Grace and Apologia science books and other books for this year, there was no way that we could afford to buy Latin books. I mentioned to Mark that although it was something I really wanted for our children, we would just have to wait. Well, guess what!!!! Just a few weeks after that conversation with Mark, another mom in our Monday morning Homeschool group sent out an email to everyone that she had several packages of Latin curriculum complete with textbooks, and student activity books - brand new, excellent condition and ALL FREE for the taking! A local classical Christian school had extra or didn't need them for some reason and gave them to her to give out to homeschooling families!!!! So I got books and activity workbooks for both Joel and Ivy for two years of Latin! For free! We haven't started yet, but I'm in the process of planning out the schedule and we'll begin soon. What a wonderful blessing that was!
And another blessing - today at our Monday morning homeschool group, one of the moms in my Prayer and Share group talked about how she and her kids measured out Noah's ark recently.... and I said "You must be using Tapestry of Grace!!!!!!!!" and yes, she is! And not only that, she has been for years, going through all 4 year plans and now is in Year 1 and the same week we are doing!!!!! Plus, she is an area consultant and loves to help newbies like me with any questions, etc. She is only the third person I know personally in this area who is using Tapestry of Grace so I was really happy to find this out! She is also Ivy's Archeology class teacher! How wonderful to have someone to bounce ideas off of and share TOG with!
And yet another blessing - this past weekend was a very large consignment sale that was held at a local Farm and Home Center. I was able to be a consigner and I took almost 100 clothing items on hangers to be sold! I'm not sure how much money I made, but should get a check in the mail soon. Anyway, I was able to buy everything I needed for Jaden for fall/winter all at fantastic prices - as well as several things for his birthday in December! I bought the big kids some clothing too but it was mostly smaller sizes there. What a blessing that was for me to get such a huge amount of clothing at such a discount. I love bargain shopping!
I hope this post today has encouraged you to look for blessings - sometimes they do come unexpectedly. God is good and He loves to surprise us. Count your blessings...name them one by one! And it will surprise you what the Lord has done!
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
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