I was so excited on Friday - we finished our very first unit in Tapestry of Grace! We all learned so much over the last nine weeks! We spent a lot of time reviewing our unit on the Books of Moses and talked about all that we had learned. Ivy comopleted her lapbook which was a great way to review. Joel took his unit test and did well too. We didn't do a Unit Celebration per se, but we proudly showed some things to Dad and Grandma. Maybe we'll do a celebration after our next unit.
Yesterday I spent the afternoon taking out the pages of their notebooks from the last unit and printing off all the pages of Unit 2 and putting that in their notebooks. Also printed out all the maps and evaluations and put them in. So we are ready to go today! We have a wonderful library so all our books are in and available to us also.
I am so happy with Tapestry of Grace! What a blessing it has been for our homeschool.
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
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