On Weds. nights at church, I'm in a women's Bible study called "Dueteronomy: More Grace, More Love: Living in Covenant with God" by George Robertson. Our study for tonight focuses on Deuteronomy 3:12-29. It was a good study for me and gave me much to think about. In the study guide, Robertson wrote:
"God dignifies us by giving us meaningful responsibility and holding us accountable for it.... Difficult responsibilities and the potential for failure must drive us to Christ for more grace. Difficult experiences must drive us to greater love for God."
I love my busy job of homeschooling our children and all the responsibilities that I have that keep me busy. Sometimes I do feel exhausted, but I firmly believe that it is His calling for me to do what I do.
This study reminded me that on difficult days, during times of tremendous, overwhelming responsibility, God is giving me this work to bring me to Him! He will supply the grace I need for each day, each week. And the difficult times drive me to a greater love for Him and for others.
My weeks are full to the brim and my responsibilities are great, and I am so thankful for His grace which is greater still!
Here is a "typical" week for me:
Monday: Go to Homeschool group at 8:45-12:00, Assist in the 5th Grade Archeology Class, participate in the Mom's Prayer & Share time, Assist in the 5 and 6 year olds Gym class,
Teach my 7th grader and 5th grader in the afternoon, Plan the homeschool week
Tuesday: a full day of homeschooling, Lesson plan for Thursday's Kindergarten class
Weds: a full day of homeschooling, Supper at church, Ivy to Junior Choir Practice and GEMS club, Women's Bible Study, Joel to Youth Group, Mark to choir practice, Jaden to nursery class
Thurs: Ivy to piano lesson, Read to and care for piano teacher's 3 young children, Go to Homeschool Group for the afternoon 12:30-3:40, Teach the Kindergarten class, Assist in nursery for 2 hours with Jaden.
Friday: a full day of homeschooling, Home Fellowship Group Bible study in evening
Too top it all off, caring for a very active two year old keeps me busy non-stop! That is a constant, on-going responsibility while I do everything else!!!!! And through-out the week there are errands to run, several trips to libraries (we almost live at the library!), doctor appointments, and soon I'll be chauffering Joel to and from the theatre almost every day during the rehearsal period and then 2-3 times a week during the show run. Also, our home is a hang-out for all the children in the neighborhood so there are always kids in our house and in the yard after school hours!
Do I have "leisure time"? Not usually. Every now and then around midnight, I may read a chapter of a book before I fall asleep. I rarely sit on the couch. I never watch TV. My days are full and scheduled and almost always hurried.... but life is good. And the responsibilities that He has given me have made me lean on Him daily. I know that I need His grace. And I know that it is a loving Heavenly Father who gives me the responsibilities that I have, even the difficulties!
Arrogance & Eloquence
[image: Eloquence]When Jesus's disciples asked for instruction on prayer,
he warned them of a common temptation—the temptation to think that prayer
10 hours ago
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