
Welcome to our place...just two steps away from the funny farm! To explain this name, whenever things get crazy at our house, I always say "Well, we are just two steps away from the funny farm!" As a very busy homeschooling family, things DO sometimes get a bit chaotic. But we love this life of living and learning together and there is never a dull moment!

The picture of the beautiful Amish farm on this page was taken while we were on the Strasburg Railroad.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Picking Cotton

One of the blogs that I follow is http://www.challies.com/ You can always scroll down the page and click on the link to go to Tim Challies' blog and read his insightful posts. Today's post, called "Picking Cotton" was a review of the book of the same title. The book tells a story that is both heart-breaking and inspiring.

Tim makes it clear that he is not endorsing or recommending this book because of the graphic content. But the story is worth telling. Back in 1984, a young woman was raped by an intruder in her house. She identified the man as Ronald Cotton, and he was convicted and sentenced to prison. After serving for 11 years, he requested a DNA test which was becoming more in use at that time. The test proved his innocence! For 11 years, an innocent man was in prison. (Thankfully the real rapist was found, tried and convicted later).

The most amazing part of the story is not that an innocent man served 11 years, but that he was able to forgive the woman who mistakenly put him there. He held no bitterness or anger towards her. And those two individuals were able to form a friendship! Complete reconciliation and forgiveness is a beautiful thing. A little glimpse of God in sinful humanity.

My heart was drawn to this story because of my 23 year old cousin Brian. People who know me know that my cousin has been in jail for a year and a half for a murder he did not commit, and is awaiting trial in July. Before this happened to my cousin, I had so many false presuppositions. I assumed that people in jail must have done something wrong! Perhaps I would have agreed that there were rare occurrances of an innocent person being in jail..... but I thought that would be very rare, and surely, they must have done something to get arrested!

How much I have changed in my thinking. I've become much more aware of false charges, mistakes, wrongful arrests, injustice, and unfairness. I've also become much more sympathetic to those in prison or jails even if they are guilty. So many times inmates are dehumanized and denied basic human rights, like fresh air and sunshine. I never knew that before. My thinking was so wrong.

As for my cousin Brian, he is doing well under the circumstances. His letters don't convey any anger or bitterness. He seems to be accepting this as part of God's plan and purpose for him right now for whatever reason. Sometimes the path of life involves suffering. He is suffering, but there is a peace there too. We are praying for justice and that he will be released soon - even before this goes to trial. We are also praying that God will bring good out of this experience and that He will get the glory.

For those of you who would like to be a blessing to Brian during this time, he would LOVE to get some mail! Just writing him an encouraging Scripture verse would make his day! He is in a cell with nothing to do but read the books we send him. No TV room, no going outside, no windows to look out.... so notes are very precious and encouraging to him. His address is:
Brian Lamb
Dallas County Detention Center
204 Poplar St.
Buffalo, MO 65622

Matthew 26:40 says, "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

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